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Nosto Cart Tagging ko if: cartTagging().itemCount > 0 ko foreach: {data: cartTagging().items, afterRender: sendTagging } ko if: customerTagging().first_name /ko ko template: getTemplate() /ko When I think of OSPREY LONDON, its like I think of Mulberry, a quintessential English luxury leather and retail brand. OSPREY LONDON started in 1980 with a belt, hand cut and handstitched in a hay barn in Hertfordshire by Graeme Ellisdon. It soon became all the rage with rock and royalty coveting the leather belts.

Graeme used his love of leather and traditional craftsmanship to small leather goods and bags, now OSPREY LONDON has a worldwide reputation for affordable luxury leather with a spirited take on British style.

I am always on the lookout for great quality, leather handbags that can last. hell, I be handing them down to my daughter. If you're looking for great leather at a clearance price, take a look at my pick's.

Envelope Clutch - fantastic for evening and this is a rich purple, perfect for the Winter season. Now £39.95 from £165

Spacious shoulder Tote - this is a light pink £145 from £295

Top of the list has been a yellow small bag of some description, I seen a few in cheaper high street outlets but if I'm being honest they look a little cheap. Madison Cross Body bag £39.95 from £95

Love and kisses


All comments my own and correct at the time of writing.

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