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I never ever thought when I started @stylishschoolrun back in July that I would get to meet so many talented, inspiring women. Every week I am covering someone new, diverse and all these stories are just coming out of the woodwork. We are all busy, when I don't see someone for awhile I just used to say hi, how are you? now I take the time when someone says I'm busy to ask why and I tell you the floodgates have opened and I've met some wonderful women and found out stories that I generally wouldn't know about. It's truly inspiring!!

I met Louise across the new digital squares of Instagram, I loved her story, her website and her up and coming book, we conversed across messaging and email and I was so pleased and privileged to be invited to Louise's book launch. Attending last night was a scary thought but short lived, the buzz and the vibe was wonderful, recognising other bloggers from those damn squares and being able to pick out Louise immediately put me at ease.I'd never met Louise face to face, but her warm smile and her genuine pleasure in seeing all the support in the room just cant be faked. The book and her message really resonates for this generation, taking control and making that work life balance with the skills we have is essential in supporting our daughters and educating our sons on how to behave and encourage this new way of working. Louise's enthusiasm and inclusiveness for all women is infectious and I am so happy that Louise is joining the #stylishschoolruncommunity.

Tell me, a little bit about yourself…

I have two children, now live in Bucks having moved out of the city when my eldest was young. I set up the place to inspire, engage and connect parents with their skills and talents in the hours available to them.

When did you launch @beyondtheschoolrun

I had a period of time out of the work place between selling my business, a PR agency, moving out of London and having our second child. It was during this time that I started to see the issues for mothers in combining work and caring for their children. It was for this reason and so that I could look my daughter in the eye and say she can do whatever she is born to do, I set up Beyondtheschoolrun. I started to discuss my passion for creating social change.


I believe there is a huge amount of talent that is not being utilized because it doesn’t fit within the conventional 9-6 working hours. By not utilizing these skills it is impacting the wellbeing of families and society. I think there is another way for us all to thrive.

What's your usual week / day look like?

A regular day is up about 6am, a couple of those days I go to the gym early whilst my husband does breakfast. I love HITT training. Then I will drop the kids to school, come home tidy up and then settle into my office upstairs. I will then focus on work until about 2pm when I then start to get things ready for pick up, pop to the shops etc.

What inspires you?

Kindness, authenticity and passion

What did you want to be growing up?

It’s funny because I used to see articles in the newspaper for writing courses and deep down used to think I would love to do that but never thought I was good enough. I also used to keep a sketch book under my bed of fashion designs.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My children. My work. My first invite to No.10 Downing Street, winning Britain’s Top Real Role Model 2014 . I am also proud of my recently published book ‘A New Way for Mothers’. I never thought I would write a book and now I have.

What’s next on your to do list?

Next for me is to grow Beyondtheschoolrun into a thriving business.

When are you happiest?

I love exercise and being outdoors. So I am really happy hanging out in the garden with my children and husband on a beautiful day (having just done a yoga class).

When was the last time you laughed out loud?

My daughter was mimicking me the other day. That made me laugh.

How as women, can we help to empower others?

Oh there is so much we can do. Firstly is empower ourselves, find our own true paths and once you are on that then you naturally want to support others. It is so important that women support one another it really is.

What’s your style?

Great question, I have been exploring this myself through our weekly feature ‘Fashion Friday; on because I believe as a parent you can really start to discover your true self – and that includes style. I think this is still work in progress for me but for now I would say, simple with a little bit of something different. I love exploring fashion, following the fashion bloggers. I think we can unlock a lot about ourselves.

Guilty pleasure?

I know this doesn’t sound very guilty but almond butter, I eat so much of it.

Life motto?

I know Steve Jobs said this – but be true to yourself, everyone else is taken.

Can’t live without…

My kiddies and husband, exercise and nature.

You can follow, like or contact Louise the place to inspire engage and connect parents with their skills and talents in the hours available.

We are all here to help promote, support, coach and nurture and Louise's Book ‘A New Way for Mothers’ published in the USA and available worldwide at Amazon is something that we can all benefit from.

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